Hi, I’m Astrid!

I am a certified Embodiment Coach &
Yoga and meditation teacher.

Fun fact about me: I was born and raised in France and as an adult I have lived in China and in the US. I am now blessed to call French Guiana my home.

You can find me hanging out in the rainforest (or even more likely immersed in some body of water), dancing randomly in the streets or on the dance floor (SBK, anyone?), petting every cat, dog, horse etc., and laughing way “too” hard.

Movement has always been a huge part of my life in some shape or form. It is my greatest joy and my biggest support when life gets hard. It is also my go-to celebration.

I strongly believe that moving your body and shaking your booty🍑 is medicine -for body and soul.

Also, I don’t know what it looks like, but at the time I’m writing this I’m an absolute beginner with the guitar -don’t tell anyone 🤫

My vision

You, my friend, are FREAKING powerful.

Your body is literally made of stardust, and your soul is connected to the fabric of a whole Universe beyond what your eyes can see. But like most of us, you’ve forgotten.

You got so caught up in the daily grind, trying to please your parents, teachers, boss, friends, lovers, and society as a whole… that you’ve lost sight of your power, what brought you joy… what you came here for.

What I believe? The ultimate goal is inner freedom, joy, and peace.

When you tune into who you really are at your core, you become able to enjoy everything life has to offer and navigate its ups and downs with more serenity and trust.

By reconnecting to your body, you get to access deeper parts of you. Parts that need healing, and parts that are waiting to unlock their full potential.

You like that idea? Then, I invite you to keep reading ;)

Work with me

  • Taste of embodiment

    You’re curious about Embodiment? You’re wondering what coaching with me would feel like?

    Get a taste in this 45 minutes 1:1 coaching session.

    Quantity limited to 1 per person.

  • The Embodied & Expressed Mentorship

    Are you ready to change you life and meet a more confident, embodied and magnetic version of yourself?

    My personalized 3-6 months coaching programme may be for you!

Haven’t heard of Embodiment before, or unsure what it really means? I tell you on this page ;)

What i’m up to on Insta
